Fillings provide a quick, affordable way to repair damaged or decaying tooth enamel. At Drs. Boyd P.C., our team use biocompatible fillings to repair decay and prevent it from worsening. Treatment preserves your tooth and prevents the need for more invasive procedures, like extractions. Call the office in the Midtown East neighborhood of Manhattan in New York City to schedule a filling consultation, or book your appointment online today.
A filling is a restorative dental procedure that repairs damaged or decaying tooth enamel. It’s a quick and convenient way to treat cavities and minor cracks or chips in the teeth.
The Drs. Boyd P.C. team uses fillings made from biocompatible composite materials. These fillings mimic tooth enamel’s color and light-reflecting properties, ensuring the filling looks natural and blends in with your smile.
Getting a dental filling is a quick outpatient procedure that takes 20-60 minutes.
At the beginning of treatment, your Drs. Boyd P.C. provider numbs your mouth with a local anesthetic and uses special instruments to remove the decaying or damaged portion of your tooth enamel.
Next, your dentist fills the space left behind with a biocompatible composite resin. Then, they point a special light at the resin, making it hard and durable.
Last, your dentist trims away any excess composite resin material, polishes your tooth, and smooths rough edges. Then, they check your bite and provide care instructions.
After you get a dental filling, it’s normal to experience mild tooth sensitivity and soreness. Most people return to work and routine activities immediately, but you may want to take an over-the-counter pain medication to relieve discomfort.
Biocompatible composite fillings last 5 -10 years on average but often last longer with good oral hygiene.* To keep your filling in good condition, the Drs. Boyd P.C. team recommends brushing your teeth twice daily, flossing regularly, and visiting the office every six months for professional teeth cleaning.
Likewise, they recommend avoiding very hard or crunchy foods and stopping bad habits like nail-biting. These practices can extend the life of your filling and prevent enamel damage.
Dental fillings provide various benefits, including:
Fillings are long-lasting, so you don’t have to worry about replacing them regularly.
Call the Drs. Boyd P.C. office to schedule a dental filling consultation, or book your appointment online today.
*Individual results may vary.