

Cosmetic, Implant, and Restorative Dentistry in Midtown East, New York, NY

About Extractions

Each year, millions of Americans undergo extractions to treat oral health problems like severe tooth decay and impacted wisdom teeth. At Drs. Boyd P.C., restorative and implant dentists specialize in tooth extractions. They also offer bone grafting and socket preservation to prevent common side effects like bone loss and gum recession. Call the office in the Midtown East neighborhood of Manhattan in New York City to schedule an extraction consultation, or book your appointment online today.

Extractions Q&A

What are tooth extractions?

A tooth extraction is an oral surgical procedure that removes a tooth from its socket. It’s also called “pulling” a tooth. 

Even though permanent teeth are tough and meant to last a lifetime, severe damage and decay often require intervention. If restorative treatments, like crowns and fillings, can’t make the necessary repairs, your dentist might recommend an extraction. 

Why would I need a tooth extraction?

The Drs. Boyd P.C. team might recommend tooth extractions if you have:

  • Severely crowded teeth
  • Severe gum disease
  • An impacted tooth
  • A fractured tooth
  • Severe tooth decay

Sometimes, extractions are recommended for dental injuries. For example, an extraction might be necessary if you get hit in the mouth and a permanent tooth becomes loose or dislodged.

Are there different types of tooth extraction?

The Drs. Boyd P.C. team provides two types of tooth extraction:

Simple extraction

Your dentist does a simple extraction if your damaged or decaying tooth is above the gumline and easy to access.

During this procedure, your dentist numbs your mouth and carefully loosens your tooth. Then, they pull it from its socket with dental forceps.

Surgical extraction

Your dentist does a surgical extraction if you have an impacted tooth that can’t break through the gumline.

During this procedure, your dentist numbs your mouth and makes several small incisions above the tooth. They separate the tooth into several pieces and then use dental forceps to remove each piece, one at a time.

What happens after my tooth is extracted?

After extracting your tooth, your dentist completes a socket preservation procedure. Specifically, they insert a bone graft (a small piece of bone tissue) into the empty socket. The bone graft encourages the growth of new bone tissue, preserving your jaw and preventing gum recession.

What is recovery like after tooth extractions?

After a tooth extraction, it’s normal to have mild bleeding, swelling, and discomfort. Get plenty of rest and avoid chewing on the affected side of your mouth for at least 48 hours.

Likewise, keep the extraction site(s) clean and take any medication as prescribed. Steer clear of hard or crunchy foods for at least a week, and don’t drink out of a straw, as it can dislodge blood clots and cause a dry socket. 

Call Drs. Boyd P.C. to schedule a tooth extraction consultation, or book your appointment online today.